21 Tweets that perfectly sum up married life
The truth about marriage in 140 characters or less!

Marriage is a different experience for all…but you will note, sometimes, there’s some similarities across the board.
It is especially noted that a sense of humor in a marriage goes a long way…
Here’s 21 hilarious Tweets you will totally be able to relate to and identify with if you’re married.
Marriage is just texting each other "Do we need anything from the grocery store?" a bunch of times until one of you dies.
— Daniel Carrillo (@DanielRCarrillo) July 15, 2015
Being forced to stop reading "The Martian" because "WTF its 3 a.m. can you turn off your light?" #MarriedPeopleIssues #itsareallygoodbook
— Andy (@AndyDomek) August 1, 2015
Wife: It's like every man on earth has to share one brain
Me: [can't think of a good comeback because it's not my turn to use the brain]— Grant Tanaka: Honky (@GrantTanaka) March 6, 2016
My wife said I need to grow up. I was speechless.
It's hard to say anything when you have 45 gummy bears in your mouth
— Josh (@iwearaonesie) October 10, 2014
My wife wanted two kittens but I am the man in this house so we got two kittens
— Justin Guarini (@JustinGuarini) January 17, 2015
wife: Why is your back all scratched up?
[flashback to me chasing a raccoon after she told me to leave it alone]
me: I'm having an affair— Josh (@iwearaonesie) August 18, 2016
[out in public]
Me: A kid is crying.
Wife: It's not one of ours.
[we fist bump]
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) December 13, 2015
I don't CARE where you put "it" just PLEASE put "it" back in the same place every time so I can find "it." #MarriedPeopleIssues
— 𝔇𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔇𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔷 (@DWilliamsmh) July 31, 2015
WIFE: Stop spending money on stupid stuff
ME: Okay
WIFE: What the hell?
[dog walks by in a tuxedo]
ME: He's getting married, Karen— Floyd (@dafloydsta) August 17, 2016
ME: honey, it's really muggy out today
WIFE: if I go outside & all our mugs are on the front lawn, I'm leaving u
ME: *sips coffee from bowl*— Duke Max “Carnival Lawyer” Ash (@mynameisntdave) June 15, 2015
My wife and I hit an important marriage milestone.
We had a fight entirely in fridge magnets. pic.twitter.com/sUvXbe2Fnn
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) June 4, 2015
Wife: We need milk, eggs, and bread. Write it down.
Me: No need. I'll remember.
[an hour later]
Wife: What did you buy?
Me: A panda.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 6, 2016
Sorry. I was late because I had to find all the things that were in plain sight for my husband.
— Housy Wife (@wife_housy) July 17, 2015
*pulls curtain back while wife is in the shower*
me: Are we – stop screaming, it's just me- are we out of Cheetos?— Josh (@iwearaonesie) February 24, 2016
When my husband goes outside to investigate a strange noise, how long do I have to wait before un-pausing the show we were watching?
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) December 30, 2015
MARRIED SEXTING: I'm not wearing any underwear…because you never put the laundry in the dryer like I asked you to 100 flipping times.
— Christie Johnson (@cjohnsonking5) September 19, 2015