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  1. JackassTales

    JackassTales Porn Star

    May 19, 2007

    DC, You damn dirty rotten scoundrel! I read the above, scratched my head and said aloud, "That doesn't seem like Daddycums' writing! Why, there are too many grammatical errors!"

    I was getting ready to send you a private message to see if you were sick, when I read it again...then got sick myself. That SON OF A BITCH has done pulled our leg again and this time I didn't catch it!!! :mad:

    Thanks DC, I now feel lower than an egg-suckin' dog! Ha! :)
  2. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    That makes me feel really good - I caught it before you did and was laughing half way through his post. I guess I'm not as dumb as I look.:???:
  3. patlaborvi

    patlaborvi Sex Lover

    Feb 24, 2007
    I don't know about other authors holding back their posts because they're not getting any comments but I plan to keep posting. I figure if someone wants to read my stories they can always go to the author section and click on my name. I miss the comments and knowing how many readers I have, but I write my stories for people to read so I'll keep posting them. By the way I finally finished chapter 10 of my Ben 10 story so check it out and feel free to leave your comments in the regular forum since that seems to be the only way I'll get them for now.:excited:
  4. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    You can count on it.

  5. It is not for me to say whether I am a good writer, but I daresay my work is grammatical.

    I am on "extended winter vacation," as you call it, mountain climbing and ice climbing each weekend.

    I am also writing at least 40,000 words per week on a filthy porn project that I am struggling to finish and post here by late March, and I intend on posting it here, in its entirety, upon completion - irrespective of the status of the voting/comments system. (As I have said many times to D.C. and others, I could really care less, since I am writing for myself.)

    As for the state of the website, Lemark insists his contractor(s) is(are) working on it. To give him credit, we (collectively) gave him a heck of a big charge when we (collectively) talked the site admins into revamping the site's tracking systems back in the fall.

    I am not as active here as I was a few months ago, because I am crunching to finish my second piece of trash, but I do check in, just to see if the tracking system is back up. When the novel is finished, I will post it here regardless of the state of the tracking system.

    aesexual pseudonym

  6. JAT and/or Don - please enlighten me; I honestly don't get it. Is DC pulling your tail, or is someone spoofing you with his addie? The latter is not possible, is it? If it's a joke, tell me, because I am a bit concerned. Would not want to think someone could start using my pen name to flame people.

  7. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    I don't think it is possible, although one reader of some of the nicer stories claimed that someone else was using his name/addie to leave comments that were diametrically opposed to his. He left mostly pretty civil, positive comments, where warranted, and the other person left very nasty comments. For all I know, he/she could have been scitso. Who knows?

    But I do think DC was spoofing us and that's obviously the way I took it.
  8. JackassTales

    JackassTales Porn Star

    May 19, 2007
    A.P., I had the very same thought, at first, and that's what threw me. BUT, then I recalled the multiple postings DC has had where he has responded to a previous comment by answering sarcastically, ironically, or humorously.

    Here, DC was answering wantsomefun's observations about poorly written stories by writing a poorly written condemnation of them! This is irony, sarcasm, and humor tied up in a neat little bow.

    So A.P., THIS IS A JOKE and if that rascal daddycums doesn't 'man-up', come out, and admit it to you, then you ought to kick that mischievous jokester's ass!
  9. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    DC, you should be proud of all the traffic you get from this one post. Amazing!
  10. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I may get bashed for this, but I am going to make a suggestion:


    I started by reading Bus Journey, and found very good writing. Not all of his scenarios are to my liking, but he knows how to tell a story, with few errors. I hope you will find one of them to your liking.
  11. DeGuru

    DeGuru Sex Lover

    Jan 12, 2010
    I like that author too ejls. I am probably considered one of those writers with too many spelling errors and grammar issues. But I have been working hard to improve and will now that I have started to post, I will keep posting.

  12. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    You've improved so much in such a short time. It's a joy to watch you grow and improve. Keep it up.:rose:

  13. Da DC-man din' do me nuttin, jist sayin.

    aesexual pseudonym
  14. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    Yes, it's a joke. Since wantsomefun mentioned some of the more common mistakes that writers make, I tried to squeeze as many of these mistakes as I could into one paragraph. (I count 7). I should be more careful in the future; sometimes my humor is a little too subtle.

    I just realized I left out one of the other classic mistakes, but its not worth it's own post.
  15. DeGuru

    DeGuru Sex Lover

    Jan 12, 2010
    Heck I am horriable when it comes to that stuff & I caught it made me laugh pretty good too if I can anyone can.

  16. cesur_tr

    cesur_tr Newcumer

    Sep 11, 2009
  17. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
  18. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008

    One of the funniest and tender stories I've read. Definitely not the same fbailey story your are used to reading. Click the link, and you'll be glad you did.:rose:
  19. DeGuru

    DeGuru Sex Lover

    Jan 12, 2010
    Got to agree with ejls as normal, so not the normal story I am used to reading of his. I really like it though and I got to admit I don't know rather to be turned on or laugh my ass off. People this is a must read and just one of the many reasons why I strive to be a better writer. Time to be the windshield.

  20. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    Lately, it seems that the Sex Stories Forum has been invaded by spammers. If you open a thread and see that it's spam, click on the exclamation point in the triangle, in their box. This will bring you to page where you can report the spammer. What I also do is go to their home page, copy the link to that page into a pm and send it to the mods, chunky and piggit. It's annoying as hell, and I've reported 3 of them today.